I've been absent from the blogging world for over a week mostly due to moving preparation, but I also was given a wonderful opportunity at the end of last week. I went to the central Texas coast with a friend who is also in the MS Wildlife Ecology program at Texas State (where I just graduated). She studies American Oyster Catcher (AMOYC) nest success. I went out on a boat through West Galveston Bay and East Matagorda Bay. Wow! What sights! Not only did I see AMOYC's with chicks but a plethora of water birds and their chicks. If you ever doubt that birds are dinosaurs, just take a look at this pic of pelican chicks.
Dinosaurs! They were so cute!! I also got a kick out of the Royal and Caspian Tern chicks. Tern parents were very angry at the approaching humans.
Another amazing highlight was the Magnificent Frigatebird encounter. A young male attempted to steal a fish from a Laughing Gull about 8 feet above the boat. It was so cool. We saw 5 frigates flying ahead on West Galveston Bay. The beauty and the wonder! I'm thankful for these remarkable gifts from the Universe. To life!
By the way, I hope some you got that the reference for the title of the post. Hint: It involves a movie about non-avian dinosaurs.
Enjoy your Monday!
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