Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Current Events Tuesday

For the last time for 100 years, Venus will transit across the sun. Get your eclipse glasses, #14 welder glasses or paper and a pinhole!

Today is the day of the recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, and three state senators, all Republicans.

Here is a great piece from Robert Reich that is relevant, but not directly about the recall.

While browsing facebook, I see a status that reads this, "I dont want any comments, i just want to put this out there. I think everyone can agree that WI is too divided. but as this election comes upon us, I have seen more negativity/name-calling/false accusations from the "Left" on Facebook than I've ever seen before. So much for 'bringing wisconsin together'".

I refrained from commenting but I still felt the need to say something about this. Said person clearly does not realize that this post further divides. Ah the irony. And of course, this person accuses the "Left" of being the cause of this division. It's clear that the definition of "bringing Wisconsin together" for this facebook user is for those nasty leftists to come to the "right" side.

Anyway, I hope that Wisconsin votes out that Koch-bought clown. But, then again, he has outspent his opponent 7.5 to 1, or $30.5 million to $4 million. And $3 out of every $5 that went to Walker came from out of state. What a shame. We have the best democracy money can buy.

Source: Mother Jones

Moving on, last week NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg banned all sugary drinks over 16 oz from being sold in movie theaters, sports arenas, and the like. JS has a hilarious response that pretty much sums up my reaction. Mayor Bloomberg, while I agree that there is a serious problem with the food industry, obesity, diabetes, and the associated costs, this is not the way to do it. Authoritarian measures are not the answer to the problem. Way to give the people another reason to mistrust the government.

"I will never forgive you for that Michael Bloomberg!"

On a side note, Jim Parsons was the guest on that episode. I love you Jim! You are brilliant.

Last topic for the day: the anthropomorphic destruction of the biosphere.

First up, the CO2 concentration in the Arctic has reached 400 PPM, the highest in 800,000 years. I also spotted this. Yep, that's right. As the polar ice recedes, we greedy humans are going to vie for the uncovered resources. GIVE US MORE!!!!

Wow humans. For shame. We have learned nothing.

Lastly, since I am very angry and close to a very feisty rant, I'll just leave you with this clip from The Colbert Show.

Making parts of science illegal?!?

Good game humans. Bye bye.

Fembot, out!

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