Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yes we did

The 2012 election has come to a close and President Obama has been re-elected for a second term. I watched the results roll in to a late-ish hour here on the East Coast. I left the room for about 2 minutes and when I came back, NBC called Ohio for the President. Then it was over.

Elizabeth Warren has been elected to the Senate. Claire McCaskill and Joe Donnelly defeated Todd Akin and Richard Murdock, respectively. Apparently you can't say crazy things about rape and women's bodies and get elected to the Senate.Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) was also elected to the Senate and is the first openly gay woman to serve in that legislative body. Tea Party favorite Allen West (R-FL) has also been defeated. Thank the Universe.

MN has defeated the marriage and voter ID amendments. Excellent. I'm so proud of my home state.

Fat cat millionaires and billionaires spent a pretty penny to ensure Mitt Romney won. But that didn't work out.

Now, we will come together or become more divided?

Time shall bring the answer my fellow Americans.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 days out

The time for the 2012 election has finally (almost) arrived. I am looking forward to when I won't have to listen to campaign ads that have taken over the airwaves. Since I live in a swing state, the number of advertisements is through the roof! It's common for 6 campaign ads in row on a commercial break. I miss advertisements for useless and unnecessary junk consumer products that drive our economy.

The race is in a dead heat with President Obama holding an edge in key swing states. Pundits say it will all come down to Ohio.

I've learned over the last 4 years that facts mean almost nothing and racism is alive and well in the good ole US of A. I wonder if right-wing landia will implode should President Obama be re-elected. We shall know soon.

Since it's probably not a secret anyway, I'll just come out and say it: I hope Obama gets re-elected. I could have handled John McCain, but plutocrat extraordinaire Mitt "say anything to please the crowd" Romney and Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan are just to much for me. Please my fellow Americans, do not let right-wing extremism win the day. Oh, and friends in MN, vote NO on both 2 and 6.

And I hope both Todd Akin (R) and Richard Mourdock (R), senate candidates for Missouri and Indiana, respectively, are defeated. They both have said ridiculous things about women's bodies and rape, so I hope sanity wins, aka voters reject these crazy beliefs about women and biology.

As Tina Fey said, "If I have to listen to one more grey-faced man with a $2 haircut explain to me what rape is, I'm gonna lose my mind!"

Exactly. I suppose the bright side is that this crazy talk exposes the true beliefs of the far-right. Rejection by voters will send a strong message, I hope. This is 2012, not 1950. Let's live in the 21st Century. Can we be done with all this culture war crap? Let's just let gays get married, keep abortion legal and available, support comprehensive sex education and for the love of bacon let's teach evolution in schools.

Oh, and let's start doing something about that pesky human-accelerated climate change.

Alright well I'll leave it at that and be back after the election to comment on the state of our great nation. Hopefully sanity will win out.
