Thursday, May 31, 2012

My God a breast! Anything but that!

Warning! Post about reproductive choice and politics ahead.

So far in 2012 we have seen a plethora of bills aimed at reducing women's control over their own bodies, because we all know regulating uteruses creates jobs. In the wider theme of controlling women and their sexuality, I came across the latest controversy today. The "controversy" is a photo of two active servicewomen breastfeeding in their uniforms. While browsing through the comments and the tweets, the sentiment that this should be done in private because is it offensive was a common one. The reaction leads me to conclude that people are afraid of breasts. One user on HuffPost told me in all capital letters that "women should not be allowed to breastfeed in public". Again, I have to conclude that said user is afraid of breasts. I also found this wonderful piece today. Yep, it seems that the fear of women's bodies and sexuality is running at full capacity today and has been for all of human history. Jezebel has a hilarious as usual take on this. The whole thing is so typical that it hardly counts as news. The fact that we still live in a patriarchal system is demonstrated over and over and over and over again. I could keep going because it's endless but you get my point. Let's wake up and smell the 21st century! Soraya Chemaly had a recent piece that hits the nail on the head.

In related news, today is the 3rd anniversary of Dr. George Tiller's cold-blooded murder. I just love it when people who call themselves "pro-life" demonstrate how much they love life by murdering doctors. By the way, I don't use the term "pro-life" to describe the "anti-choice" crowd (except for just now, but that will be it!). They have demonstrated that they are not deserving of that title.

Man, I can't believe that we are still fighting this. But, as Sara Robinson pointed out in this article, we will still be fighting it for a while.

For now, I am counting my lucky stars that I have access to affordable and reliable contraception.

The last week of May

Hello again. May is almost over and the summer is quickly approaching. It's so hot in Texas already that it definitely feels like summer but, no, still spring! By the time we move to Tampa, it will be even hotter. I miss the cooler weather but apparently I can't stay out. I am really excited about living near the ocean. Enough about the weather (although it does break the ice!).

Switching to current events, with winning the Texas primary, Mitt Romney has enough votes for the nomination. It's almost certain that the party will nominate him in Tampa at the party's convention this August. However, I did spot this story yesterday on Bob Cesca's blog. And to that all I have to say is damn you campaign staff of John McCain for bringing her onto the national stage. My initial reaction to his VP announcement in the summer of 2008 was "who?".  

That's right, the Republican National Convention is in Tampa this year. It was in St. Paul in 2008. Why do I get the coincidence of living in the same city as the RNC? Anyone want to calculate the probability?

The campaign season is in full swing and we are still 5 months out from the general election. The madness has just begun. And it really is madness. The GOP has completely gone off the deep end. Lastly, let's not forget the creation of super PACs following the Citizens United decision. Stay tuned. 

Changing topics again, I have a brief movie review of Men in Black III. Blake and I saw it over the weekend. If you are a fan of the franchise, I highly suggest seeing it. The third movie was better than the second. I like the first one the best, but the latest installment is a very close second. The villain was especially sinister and Josh Brolin was brilliant as young Agent K. There were moments of humor but we also saw a more intimate picture of K and his relationship with J.

Alright that's all I have for today.

Fembot, out!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pending goodbyes and my very lucky life

Where did the time go? It's May 2012, I have graduated with a Master's degree and we are on the brink of moving to another state so I can pursue a PhD. It truly feels like just yesterday it was May 2010 and I was getting ready to leave Minnesota, the place of my birth and where I spent my whole life up to that point. The spring was filled with many tears and goodbyes, but also excitement for the road ahead. I can't believe that two years have almost passed and that this is over. Now it's time for me to say goodbye to Texas and hello to Florida. The last two years have been quite the journey. I have learned more than I thought was possible. I'm very glad that I took a chance and moved to Texas in the middle of the summer. To a place that is very different than where I am from, to a place where I knew very few people.

Now that is almost done, I can safely say that this was the right decision. I have been truly blessed by the whatever force(s) run the Universe. I was in the company of some of the brightest and most wonderful people that I have ever, and probably will ever, meet. I can't even begin to explain how lucky I am. I have been changed for the better because of them. There are too many to list by name and I don't want to forget anyone but I think (and hope) that these individuals know who they are. I have been given a myriad of wonderful opportunities in my lifetime and I am truly thankful. I should point out that there are absolutely people in MN without whom I wouldn't be where I am today. There are two people in particular that gave me more gifts than I deserved. Without them, I would definitely not be where I am now. I don't think you know just how much you gave me. I am forever grateful J and S.

I don't believe that anything is written in the stars, but I do believe that you make your own destiny. I'm so glad that my choices led me here. I took a crazy chance, but it turned out to be the right one.

I have been very lucky, indeed.