Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and the First Amendment

Hot in the news currently is a now infamous interview of Chick-Fil-A's President Dan Cathy and the contributions of the restaurant to anti-gay groups. Understandably, it has sparked outrage and in the wake of this controversy, the mayor of Boston and a Chicago Alderman (which is a member municipal assembly or council) have vowed to block construction of Chick-Fil-A in their respective cities. Today, I came across this piece on MotherJones.

I don't approve of Dan Cathy's anti-gay stance and I won't be dining at Chick-Fil-A. However, I do not agree with city (or any level) government blocking construction because of Dan Cathy's views. It is a violation of his First Amendment rights. Yes, I realize that his views are bigoted and I think he's wrong. But he has the right to believe it. 

It should be crystal clear to everyone that knows me that I am 100% behind my LGBT friends. I support equality and disapprove of the anti-gay movement entirely. But, we must remember that because we find some speech revolting is not a compelling reason to censor it. Free speech and protecting unpopular views are cornerstones in our democracy. 

I am going to end this short post with a link to a wonderful piece by atheist lesbian blogger Greta Christina because she eloquently says everything that I want to say. 

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."- Evelyn Beatrice Hall in Friends of Voltaire. 

Did you click on the link to Greta Christina's blog yet? Read it; it's worth your time.